
You have probably seen pictures and heard about the tragic situation in Dadaab because of the drought in the Horn of Africa. Nearly a half million refugees from Somalia have risked their lives to get there. But there is not enough food there still. Francis Bii has been there this week. I’ve enclosed his report for my blog.


Calvary greetings today,

I am in Dadaab right now, and we have been hosted by National council of Churches of Kenya. The road to the camp is surely hectic. We could not miss car breakage and so forth. We thank God we are there with food aid. We have moved around the camp and were taken around by the government officials from the department of refugees affairs. The camp is a government of its own. We had to have the official permission in wtitten and being directed by the lead agency concerned in distribution of food. They made our day of distribition to be tomorow. They took us around the camp and what we saw is sympathetic situation. We have a very bad scenario of poor, sick, and hungry people. Refugees come many of them by foot to the camp. Women, children and men track that long journey without food from somalia. So many die on the road and women just carry children walking even four days without food. Some of them carry children on their backs and leaving others on the road since they cannot put on their back and carry two. You  find some children have died at the back of the mother a long time before without the mother noticing because of hunger.

We are going to distribute the food tomorow morning since that is the time the camp authorities have given us. The Kenya governement have really sent great appreciation to CRF for the great relief efforts to the hungry people in the camp. The refugees are flocking at the camp every minute. We will start with those who will be arriving nearly dying on the road tomorow morning as we go to the others.

The situation is really bad.



About Milt

Milton Jones is the President of Christian Relief Fund in Amarillo, Texas. In his work there, he has focused on the care of AIDS orphans in Sub-Sahara Africa. He has also served as a preacher and campus minister in both Texas and Washington. Milton has authored eight books including a touching tale of one of his heroes with Cerebral Palsy, Sundays With Scottie. He is married to Barbie Jones and has two sons, Patrick and Jeremy.
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